About Us
A community kindergarten since 1948
Parkdale Preschool has been an integral part of the local community for well over 70 years.
In response to community need for a preschool in the local area, Parkdale Preschool first opened in 1948 at St. Aiden’s Anglican Church hall in Parkers Road. In 1958, Parkdale Preschool moved to its permanent location in Alameda Place, following the kind donation of land by Mrs Ivy Gunn and a grant from the Department of Health for £2250.
A number of changes have been made to the kindergarten over the years. Most recently, extensive upgrades were completed to create a natural, outdoor play space in 2019 with support from the Victorian Government. Major refurbishment and extension of the preschool building was completed between 2022 to 2023 to create a modern, interconnected and inclusive kindergarten.
Original architect’s drawing of Parkdale Preschool, designed by Anatol Kagen & Associates, 1957
“Both my sons have gone to Parkdale Preschool. We have always felt supported in their development, and they are always happy and fulfilled by home time.”
— Eliza (parent)
Our committee of management
Parkdale Preschool truly belongs to the families and community enrolled each year. Our preschool is owned and managed by an incorporated association with an elected committee of management comprised of parents from the three-year-old and four-year-old groups, who oversee the operational and financial management of the kindergarten. The committee members, service manager and staff work closely together to provide the best possible preschool experience for all children and their families. The committee is elected each year for the following year at the Annual General Meeting held in November. Involvement in the committee provides a rewarding opportunity to take an active role in the continuous improvement of our kindergarten and the future of our children.
Our committee is made up of:
Grants coordinator
Fundraising coordinator
Open Day coordinator
Social media coordinator
Maintenance coordinator
Digital coordinator
We also have a dedicated fundraising subcommittee who support the fundraising efforts at the preschool.
“From the wonderful teachers who know just the right way to support my child, to the delightful planned activities, amazing grounds and friendships made along the way… there is something incredibly special about Parkdale Preschool! I know that my children will fondly look back on their kinder days, in the same way I still recall the joy I experienced playing with the wooden blocks and hammering in nails back when I attended kinder in the 80s.”
— Katrina (parent)
Partnership with families
Our families work in partnership with our teachers to ensure the preschool year is a positive learning experience, and each child is supported and challenged to grow and learn at their own pace in a safe, warm, caring and most importantly fun environment. We encourage our families to be involved and connected to their child’s experience by:
Joining the committee
Attending working bees
Attending ‘Stay and Play’ sessions
Assisting with activities such as excursions or special events
Joining in with preschool social and fundraising events
Sharing a special skill or interest with the class such as reading a story or singing songs in another language, playing a musical instrument, or sharing your culture, etc.
Our teachers are always approachable at the end of your child’s session for informal chats about your child’s day. We also communicate with families using the secure online communication and portfolio platform Storypark.
“I have loved being part of the kinder community; from grabbing a coffee with other parents after drop off to enjoying drinks together on a night out. To just be able to talk about life as a mum with others that are going through the same thing has been amazing. Now not only has my daughter made new friendships but so have I!”
— Grace (parent)
Our teachers
Our kindergarten is fortunate to have a team of highly qualified, long serving and experienced staff, who are dedicated to ensuring that every child at Parkdale Preschool experiences a positive, meaningful and educational environment that optimises their learning and development.
Our teaching team takes a collaborative and partnership approach to early childhood education, where our program and its planning and development is guided by our experienced Educational Leader, to ensure current and proven teaching practices are at the forefront of our deep play-based learning program.
All of the preschool’s educational programs are developed around the principles and practices set out in the national Early Years Learning Framework with each of our teaching team bringing their own unique capacities, strengths and interests to the learning program.
All of our educators participate in weekly staff meetings and regular professional development to reflect on their own philosophies, practices and views of early childhood theory, research and practice in early childhood education. All teaching staff have ACECQA recognised qualifications and have completed the following:
First Aid, CPR and Anaphylaxis and Asthma Training
Child Protection Training
Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT) Registered and/or Working with Children Check (WWCC)
“We’ve loved our time at Parkdale Preschool – the staff are fantastic. Our favourite feature is the amazing yard – there’s so much space and different play options for the kids.”
— Jaclyn (parent)
The National Quality Framework and government regulations
The National Quality Framework (NQF) is an Australian government rating system which includes all early childhood laws, regulations ratings and assessments that a service should follow.
The state and territory agencies assess early education and care services against seven national standards. During our last rating in 2022, Parkdale Preschool was assessed in each quality area, giving the preschool an overall rating of Exceeding the National Quality Standard.
Read some of the comments from our 2022 National Quality Standard Assessment and Rating Report:
Child safety
Parkdale Preschool is committed to the safety and wellbeing of all children and young people. This is the primary focus of our care and decision-making.
Parkdale Preschool has zero tolerance for child abuse and is committed to providing all children an environment where they feel safe, and their voices are heard about decisions that affect their lives.
Our inclusive practices will uphold cultural safety of Aboriginal children, children from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds, as well as the safety of children with a disability.
Every person involved in Parkdale Preschool has a responsibility to understand the important and specific role he/she plays individually and collectively to ensure that the wellbeing and safety of all children and young people is at the forefront of all they do and every decision they make.
At all times in its planning, decision-making, and operations Parkdale Preschool will:
Take a preventative, proactive and participatory approach to child safety;
Value and empower children to participate in decisions which affect their lives.
Foster a culture of openness that supports all persons to safely disclose risks of harm to children;
Respect diversity in cultures and child rearing practices while keeping child safety paramount;
Provide written guidance on appropriate conduct and behaviour towards children;
Engage only the most suitable people to work with children and have high quality staff and volunteer supervision and professional development.
Ensure children know who to talk with if they are worried or are feeling unsafe, and that they are comfortable and encouraged to raise such issues;
Report suspected abuse, neglect or mistreatment promptly to the appropriate authorities;
Share information appropriately and lawfully with other organisations where the safety and wellbeing of children is at risk; and
Value the input of and communicate regularly with families and carers.
“Wonderful, caring staff, great with communication! Also love the outdoor space!”
— Pauline (parent)
Our supporters
Parkdale Preschool kindly acknowledges the support of Community Bank Parkdale, City of Kingston and the Victorian Government.